Catholic Spirituality in Our Time
Four part discussion series: May – August 2024
31 July: Personal Agency and Intentional Spirituality
Pope Francis regularly reminds us that we are in a change of era. Barely 10% of self-declared Catholics engage with the church through sacraments or otherwise.
This change of era is not confined to the church. Postmodernism with its suspicion of large institutions and questioning of authority leads many to ask if there are any permanent foundations on which to build a future for ourselves and society. Is everything just ‘relative’?
No! Catholicism is as relevant now as it ever was.
The sheep of former times have morphed into educated, questioning adults. We have the freedom and capability to develop a personal spirituality geared to living in the 2020s. Methods based on scholarly research, quality theology and lived experience liberate us from reliance on doubtful authorities and unquestioned traditions.
SACEC invites you to join us to reflect on and discuss the relevance of Jesus in our time and ways of renewing our faith in the context of contemporary culture and everyday living.
Where: The Foyer, Hallett Cove Catholic Church, 1 Berrima Rd. Sheidow Park SA
When: 7.00 – 8.30 pm, Wednesday 31 July 2024
Sponsor: SACEC – SA Catholics for an Evolving Church
Facilitator: Kevin Liston
Participation: In-person only (No Zoom)
For more information: Email – Phone – 0411 197 829