Who am I?
I am a life-long Catholic, from Ireland . I came to Adelaide, Australia in 1982. After a career working with refugees and migrants, I completed a Master of Theological Studies at ACU and a Graduate Diploma in Psychology at Monash University.
For many years, I have worked in various ways to promote Catholicism. I am committed to encouraging renewal at parish (St Martin de Porres, Hallett Cove, SA), diocesan (SA Catholics for an Evolving Church) and national (Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform- ACCCR) levels
My Values
The vision, perspectives, values and commitment of Jesus to all the peoples of the world are my inspiration.
Jesus dreamed of a world where everyone could enjoy life to the full, with no one left behind, whether poor, handicapped or vulnerable to debilitating mental health.
His parables proclaim a better world characterised by intelligent and responsible relationships of integrity, care, generosity and love

The whole universe is evolving, from galaxies to people. Evolution is a feature of every aspect. That includes Christianity and, within it, Catholicism.
With the emergence of a more educated population, the forms of Catholicism that have arisen in the past are no longer adequate to the task.
On Love in the World
It is as though a room were filled with music though one can have no sure knowledge of its source. There is in the world, as it were, a charged field of love and meaning; here and there it reaches a notable intensity; but it is ever unobtrusive, hidden, inviting each of us to join. And join we must if we are to perceive it, for our perceiving is through our own loving. Bernard Lonergan.