Catholicism in the 21st Century
Christianity is essentially evolutionary and dynamic
Jesus - Our Inspiration
Jesus was driven by his vision of the Reign of God, that is the world transformed by love and care as he dreamed and imagined it could be; his mission was to draw people into his perspective of love and care for one another.
He would have spent many years reflecting on his experience of life in Nazareth and Galilee, discerning his own truth, working out for himself what it was to be a fully authentic human being.
It is clear from all that followed that personal integrity, a strong relationship with God, whom he referred to as ‘Abba’ and a deep sense of purpose were foundational for his mission.
Early in his career, Jesus expanded his work of healing and teaching to formation of a community. Helping that community of disciples to bond, to understand what he was about and to share his vision was a constant preoccupation. That community of women and men became the core and foundation of the initial movement and later Church.
Community is at the heart of Christianity; the natural progression is from relationships and community to celebration. However, a preoccupation with liturgy and ritual has diverted attention from the fundamental exercise of mutual care, sharing, looking out for the marginalised and vulnerable (the ones lying in the ditch or sleeping rough).
Jesus’ dream of a reign of God is to be realised in the hearts and lives (personal, social, economic and cultural) of the people of God (all of them). Celebrating it follows.
Jesus, disrupter of synagogues,
of simplistic interpretations of scripture
and of too-comfortable lifestyles.
I have come to bring -
Good news to the poor,
Liberty to captives,
Sight for the blind
And the fullness of life for everyone
This website offers a perspective on Catholicism appropriate for the 21st century.
We live in an era characterised by an explosion of knowledge in relation to evolution and historical awareness, communications technology, the human sciences such as psychology, sociology, and anthrpology and interiority in philosophy and theology.
Whether you’re curious about features of this website, issues it touches on or you have a question about Catholicism, we’re here to help.
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